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Inclusion, SEN and School Premiums

Inclusion and SEN

St Helen’s CE Primary School is an inclusive environment, where reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate the individual needs of all our pupils and, we strive to enable them to:

  • achieve to the best of their abilities;
  • be confident and happy;
  • make successful transitions, in particular into their next stage in education.

We believe wholeheartedly in the early identification of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and in meeting their particular needs as soon as possible, including removing barriers to learning, providing support and training for all staff working with SEN pupils and involving outside agencies where appropriate.

We are committed to ‘quality first teaching’ and the graduated approach to learning, following a ‘assess, plan, do, review’ structure.

Further information about our approach to supporting pupils with SEN can be found in the SEN informaton report below. 

The school Inclusion  Manager is Mrs Isobel Rawcliffe. who can be contacted at isobel.rawcliffe@sthelens.herts.sch.uk.

For SEN/D matters please contact the school Senco, Mrs isobel Rawcliffe at isobel.rawcliffe@sthelens.herts.sch.uk

Further information regarding Hertfordshire's local offer can be found at: 


School Premiums

Pupil Premium

The Government allocates additional funding to schools each year aimed at improving the life chances and opportunities for pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), Looked After Children (LAC) and children from Service familes. 

Vision Statement: “God will not forget the work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them” Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)

At St Helen’s our vision is at the centre of all we do. When it comes to our Pupil Premium Strategy this means we want all our children, regardless of background and challenges to make good progress and achieve high attainment, across the whole curriculum. Our Pupil Premium Strategy focuses on children achieving their full potential and this includes those who are already working at age related or above. Although the Pupil Premium Grant is targeted at specific children, we believe that many children face challenges within their lives, these could include being a young carer, having special educational needs or a disability, social and emotional needs, children who have English as an additional language and children who have, or are, receiving the support of a social worker. Our Pupil Premium Strategy supports these children, regardless of whether they have received funding or not. High-quality teaching is central to all children’s education. This is the main driver of our approach and we focus on the areas that we have diagnosed our children need the most. It is possible that this can differ from child to child.

A focus on high-quality teaching has been proven (Education Endowment Foundation) to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantaged attainment gap, whilst benefitting the other pupils as well. Although this strategy is set out for our children in receipt of Pupil Premium, the points identified are intended to support all children, regardless of ability. We have used research, assessment and diagnostic interventions to identify where children need support and how best to offer it. In some situations, the support will not be directly linked to the curriculum and may include improving cultural capital and providing social and emotional support. We ensure that we are looking at needs individually and do not make assumptions as to what support children need. We will ensure that our children are challenged by work that is going to stretch their learning. Our priority is placed on keeping up, through adaptive teaching and where there are gaps in a child’s learning (possibly due to missed learning) we will ensure that we provide them with the opportunity to catch up, whilst being exposed to the new learning that is taking place.

Please see our Pupil premium strategy document for more details.

Sports premium

Sports Premium

The government allocates specific funding to promote and deliver sports to schools.

The financial year 2023-2024, the school has been allocated approximately £18,160. This funding has made it possible for the school to retain a full time sports coach who ensures a varied and sustainable programme of sport including:

  • Delivery of high quality P.E. provision across the school
  • Upskilling teachers in the delivery of high quality P.E
  • Supporting midday supervisory staff and our Sports Leaders in activities to promote P.E. at lunchtime
  • Strategically managing the large number of clubs the school runs

We are very proud that over 80% of all pupils at St. Helen's participate in at least one extra-curricular sports club each year. We host a large number of clubs. Pupils are asked on a termly basis which clubs they would like to see run here. These are co-ordinated by our P.E. Co-ordinator and sports coach and run by many of our staff, parents and outside contractors. 

Please speak to the admin team for the latest club list.




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