Newsletters and Dates:
Below you will find links to our newsletters, term dates, key school dates and sports fixtures (please note sports dates are below key dates).
Term Dates:
Our newsletters are now published every week. We love to celebrate our children's achievements in and out of school.
Summer 2024:
Autumn 2024:
Term 1:
Term 2:
Key dates 2024/25:
We endeavour to keep this up to date, but remember to read our newsletter for latest news and information.
12th Swimming starts for year 4
16th Girls' 3/4 football away (after school)
23rd Boys' 3/4 football home (after school)
26th Harvest festival service (church) 9:15
26th Para olympic athlete visit (whole school afternoon)
28th Boys' 5/6 football away (after school)
7th Girls' 5/6 football away (afterschool)
9th to 11th Year 5 residential
15/16th Parents' evening
17th 5/6 Mixed tag rugby 12 to 3
25th Diwali Dance Workshops (whole school)
5th: Open morning for prospective reception parents, 9.15am
7th: Open afternoon for prospective parents, 1.30pm
7th: Girls year 5 & 6 football tournament
11th 3/4 boy's football afterschool home
2nd: Nasal flu vaccinations
9th: EYFS Christmas concert, 2.30pm
12th: KS1 Nativity, 2.15pm
16th: iRock assembly, 9.15am
18th: Christmas dinner/ jumper day
19th: Christmas service in church (AM)
23rd Indoor athletics
26th Year 4 rapid fire cricket
6th March Nebtall rally
17th to 21st Manor Year 6
1st St Helen's cross country event.
8th Football rally boys years 3/4
16th Hertfordshire cricket coaching year 2 to 6
22nd Football rally girls years 3/4
17th Sports day
24th Sports day
26th District sports
2nd Reserve date District sports
9th Year 6 end of school performace