Newsletters and Dates:
Below you will find links to our newsletters, term dates, key school dates and sports fixtures (please note sports dates are below key dates).
Term Dates
Our newsletters are now published every week. We love to celebrate our children's achievements in and out of school.
Autumn 2024:
Term 1:
Term 2:
Spring Term 2025
Term 1:
Term 2:

Key dates 2024/25:
We endeavour to keep this up to date, but remember to read our newsletter for latest news and information.
17th to 21st: Manor Year 6
21st: FoSH Quiz Night
24th: Guitar and recorder assembly
25th: Spring Festival @ EMC in Harpenden (invitation only)
28th: Charity fun run in school
28th: Year 6 sharing assembly
31st: iRock assembly
1st: Parent coffee morning (focus on SEN), 9-10am
4th: Easter church service, 9.15am
4th: Last day of term - 2pm finish
23rd: Term starts
1st: St Helen's cross country event
2nd: Parent coffee morning, 9-10am
5th: Bank holiday
8th: Football rally boys years 3/4
16th: Hertfordshire cricket coaching year 2 to 6
17th: FoSH Spring Fair
20th and 21st: Parent consultations
26th-30th: Half Term
3rd: Parent coffee morning, 9-10am
17th: Sports day (PM)
20th: FoSH non uniform day
24th: Reserve sports day
26th: District Sports
28th: FoSH colour run
2nd: Reserve date District sports
9th: Year 6 Performance
11th: Non uniform day (treat jars)
12th: Village Day
22nd: Year 6 Leavers Service, 9.15am
22nd: Last day of term - 2pm finish