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Newsletters and Dates:

 Below you will find links to our newsletters, term dates, key school dates and sports fixtures (please note sports dates are below key dates).

Term Dates


Key dates 2024/25:

We endeavour to keep this up to date, but remember to read our newsletter for latest news and information.


17th to 21st: Manor Year 6

21st: FoSH Quiz Night

24th: Guitar and recorder assembly

25th: Spring Festival @ EMC in Harpenden (invitation only)

28th: Charity fun run in school

28th: Year 6 sharing assembly

31st: iRock assembly


1st: Parent coffee morning (focus on SEN), 9-10am

4th: Easter church service, 9.15am

4th: Last day of term - 2pm finish

23rd: Term starts


1st: St Helen's cross country event

2nd: Parent coffee morning, 9-10am

5th: Bank holiday

8th: Football rally boys years 3/4

16th: Hertfordshire cricket coaching year 2 to 6

17th: FoSH Spring Fair

20th and 21st: Parent consultations

26th-30th: Half Term


3rd: Parent coffee morning, 9-10am

17th: Sports day (PM)

20th: FoSH non uniform day

24th: Reserve sports day

26th: District Sports

28th: FoSH colour run


2nd: Reserve date District sports

9th: Year 6 Performance

11th: Non uniform day (treat jars)

12th: Village Day

22nd: Year 6 Leavers Service, 9.15am

22nd: Last day of term - 2pm finish


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