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Our vision for P.E:

  • We want our children to have a love of sport and know how to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • We want to foster a positive attitude to sport for all children.
  • All children to have a chance to compete and take part in a sporting events for the school.
  • Children to experience a wide range of sport and develop a range of skills.

Implementation of P.E:

Physical education at St Helen’s seeks to provide a balance of individual and team co-operative and competitive activities to cater for each pupil’s abilities and preferences.  PE lessons are taught by Miss Clarke, outside sports coaches, or class teachers. The school aims to develop children’s enjoyment, confidence and skill in physical activity and to introduce them to the pleasure of sport. Pupils will be taught a full range of physical skills throughout each year.

Competitive Sport:

Over the course of the year, we try and enter a range of competitions and events. We try and include everyone who wishes to take part.  Our sports' teams are open to all and are not selected by ability - the only exception to this is District Sports and some league matches. This goes in hand with our values of inclusiveness and our school's vision. 

The school is a member of the Harpenden & District Schools Sports Association and the St Albans Sport Association, and competes in a variety of school fixtures throughout the year.  In 2022 , we came 3rd overall in the small schools competition and the previous year we were the overall champions, making us the proud winners of the coveted Bonner Cup.

During previous years we have hosted and competed in a range of compeitions including: football, netball, cricket, rounders, chess, table tennis, tag rugby, mutli sports, indoor athletics, world sports  and district sports. At school, the following clubs have been previously available: table tennis, rounders, multi sports, athletics, forest school, football, tennis, netball, chess and fencing. Throughout the year, we try to invite a variety of visitors. Previosuly, this has included an ex-olympian gymnast coming in or having circus skills workshiops take place at school. 

Sport uptake:

We are proud of being an inclusive school and we try and ensure everyone has a chance to represent the school in a sporting fixture. In 2023/24 85% of KS2 children represented the school in a sporting fixture and 88% of KS1 and 2 took part in at least one sporting club  .In 2022/23, 78% of KS2 children (years 3- 4) represented the school at a sporting fixture. Below is a photo of all our KS2 children, who represented the school in sport last year.


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Sport's selection policy

St Helen’s sports team’s policy: We are an inclusive school and will try our best to ensure that every child who wishes to participate in a sports fixtures gets a chance over the course of the academic year. This means we will not select by ability. The only exception  to this is district sports competitions and some league matches (where training for all is run at school). Unfortunately, this does mean that your child might not get to take part in every sports fixture. To ensure that we are fair we will be: 

Initially choosing randomly, if there are more children than spaces; 

If your child isn’t chosen for an event, they will have priority for the next event. However, please bare in mind some events only have space for 6 children.  

This will ensure that we can offer sport to as many pupils as possible. Unless stated, a member of staff will be present at all sporting fixtures.  

Children can sign up on sheets by Mr Denton’s office.  

Please take a look at our sports teams below:


Sports leaders' fitness videos

Week One KS2.mp4Week One KS2.mp4
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