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St Helens Governing body:

"At the heart of the educational process lies the child"

Our Governing Body is a voluntary team of dynamic men and women from diverse backgrounds working with the school professionals for the benefit of all the children at St Helens.  As a Voluntary Aided Church of England school we work within the parameters of the Education Acts and the ethos of a church school. 

- Any correspondence for the chair of governors should be sent to Gill.Sadler@sthelens.herts.sch.uk

In a voluntary-aided school such as St. Helen’s the governing body sets the strategic direction of the School by:

  • Working in close partnership with the Headteachers and the school staff to ensure that the children get the best possible education, support, care and guidance.
  • Having a number of duties and responsibilities, helping to set the strategic direction of the school through agreeing aims and objectives, setting policies and targets, reviewing progress, monitoring standards and providing advice and support. We monitor the use of Pupil Premium money and the impact of this on children’s learning, and also oversee how the Sports Premium money is spent.
  • Approving and monitoring the annual budget, ensuring that the school meets statutory requirements.
  • The governors take on the role on a voluntary basis.


What does the governing body do:

Our governors are people who have:

· a desire to contribute to and represent the community.

· an open and enquiring mind

· the ability to look at issues objectively

· the confidence to ask questions and join in debate.

· a willingness to listen and make informed judgements

· the ability to work well with others

· time and energy for the role

What is the Governing Body’s Role?

The Governing Body plays a key role in setting and reviewing the school’s strategic direction and agreeing targets for improvement, monitoring progress towards meeting these targets, supporting, and challenging the headteachers and overseeing the financial performance of the school. As well as attending meetings, governors are also asked to look at specific areas of the school’s work in more detail. 

What does the role offer?

· The opportunity to work with our team of governors and staff in improving our school

· A sense of achievement in making a difference to our school

· The pleasure of helping students reach their potential

· A chance to develop skills in strategic management

If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact Andrew Harris, the Headteacher on head@sthelens.herts.sch.uk , Diana Batt, our Chair of Governors on Diana.Batt@sthelens.herts.sch.uk or Gill Sadler, our Recruitment Governor on Gill.Sadler@sthelens.herts.sch.uk.

Current list and roles:

Chair of Governors: Gill Sadler (Foundation Diocesan Board Of Education Appointed)

Vice Chair: Richard Banham (Foundation Ex-Officio)

Personnel: Sarah Lea (Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed)

SEN Governor: Samantha Brooks (LA Appointed Governor)

Safeguarding Governor and E-Safety: Gail Tolley(Coopted Governor)

Finance and Premises: Chris Ellis (Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed)

Finance and Premises: Calvin Chong ( Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed Governor )

Parent governor: Michael Terrell

Parent governor: Rosalind Priestly (As of December 2023 on PPCC)

Co-opted governor: Gail Tolley

Staff governor: Jade Clarke

Clerk/ Admin: Fiona Collins

Associate member: Alastair Denton (Deputy Head)

Associate governor: Allison Wren

Headteacher: Andrew Harris





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