St Helen's CE Primary School Vision statement

Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)
“God will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
We work together to understand, show and share God’s love. Adults and children act with honesty and kindness, appreciate each other’s differences and love their neighbours. We strive to approach all learning with a positive attitude, a sense of collaboration and a desire to achieve.
At St Helen's we welcome families of all faiths and none. As a Church of England school our trust deed requires that pupils are educated in accordance with the teaching and principles of the Church of England. This requires that our curriculum is based on Christian beliefs, principles and values. We aim to achieve this through:-
Collective Worship
Children take part in some form of Christian worship on a daily basis. This can vary from classroom values time to whole school worship led by a member of St Helen's Church of England Team, members of staff and outside visitors. Further details of worship can be seen in our Collective Worship Policy.
Religious Education
R.E is taught in accordance with the Hertfordshire County Council agreed syllabus and Diocesan guidelines. Each year group will explore Christianity and one other faith in detail. Each year children will visit a place of worship related to their studies; this can vary from St Alban's Cathedral to a Buddhist Temple.
Values Curriculum
Every half term we explore a different value and look at how it links to Christianity. Children are then encouraged to apply these values to their own lives and recognise them in others. Our values are: perseverance, respect, community, wisdom, kindness and truth.
Links to St Helen's Church
During their time at St Helen's, children will have many opportunities to visit St Helen's Church. Services are held at Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Families and friends are always welcome to join us.
Our school prayer- written by our worship group
Dear God
Thank you for helping us to build friendships and to show love to our neighbours.
Thank for all the gifts that you have given us.
Thank you for our school family, both the children and adults.
Help us to be understanding towards others.
Help us to be kind and truthful.
Help us to persevere with our learning to do the best we can.
Bless St Helen’s and our village with your love.